Identification: Plant problem

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by kinkladze, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. kinkladze

    kinkladze Member

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    Hi. I've got a couple of plants, same type, not sure what they are as I have inherited them, so to speak. Perhaps someone could enlighten me. Both plants have been fabulously healthy and have always looked really well but very recently are showing the same worrying signs: some leaves turning yellow and quite obviously dying but other leaves on the plant are showing these patches range between white and yellow. Im worried the plants have a real problem and want to find out what it is, so hopefully someone here can help. Here's some images to help diagnose.

    I water them like once every few weeks, which might be right or wrong im not sure so thanks in advance for any help and guidance in getting them well again - if indeed there is anything wrong - maybe im just paranoid...

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  2. plantluver

    plantluver Member

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    Southern Ontario
    I think it is a pothos, or Devil's Ivy. The leaves will turn yellow and drop off because it is dry for too long although this plant doesn't like a lot of water it's good to water when the leaves are first showing signs of drying out however, there are other reasons for leaf drop. Not enough fertilizer, I use an all-purpose for my house plants, something with nitrogen, drafty locations or inadequate light although pothos can take indirect lighting. It looks like you have a variegated variety and the yellowish streaks on some leaves are normal if that is the case. Good luck !
  3. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    ok the ones that have white marbleing in them are a Marble Queen .. and the ones with the yellow marbleing are the devils ivy .. they are both a member of the pothos family .. and watering once every few weeks is not good .. they r drying out and that is why the leaves are falling off . like the ones with all yellow leaves are dying and the leaves will just fall off .. but when u start watering them again more new leaves will start to form there .. so dont worry about the bare spots .. these plants love morning sun .. and any fertilizer will do .. if you have fish tanks u can just use the water from them when u do your water changes .. it is one of the best fertilizers around . these plants are pretty easy to grow .. u have a nice plant there .. just water it a lil more .. atleast once a week ..

    pic #1 looks like a marble queen ..
    pics #2 and 3 are the dying leaves (yellow ones)
    pic #4 looks like the devils Ivy

    good luck

  4. kinkladze

    kinkladze Member

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    you guys are stars...thanks so much for your words! most reasuring I can tell you. true they are lovely plants and i will make sure i water them every week from now on. we've had some hot weather too so that obviously hasn't helped them.

    Thanks again.

  5. vegdiane

    vegdiane Member

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    Can you use the water from the fishtanks for all plants?
  6. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    yup u can .. it is one of the best fertilizers .. if ya have a fisht tank then use the water from it .. it wont hurt it at all ..

  7. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Hey Marn, I don't keep fish and don't know much about it, but I think some people keep seawater aquariums and others may use chemicals to contol algae or for disease treatment of their animals. If there are chemicals in the water or saltwater, it probably is not advisable.
  8. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    sorry Eric .. i didnt even think about saltwater tanks .. but i do know alot of ppl that have freshwater tanks and they have never had a problem with it .. and alot of ppl do keep real plants in the tanks (aquarium plants) .. I really dont think that any of the chemichels that go into the tank would hurt any plants .. i have been useing my fish tank water to water my plants and have not had any probs .. i even know ppl that set up fish tanks for a liveing and have many and that is all they use ..
    but sorry for suggesting that about the fish water .. I leave it up to the persons discretion ..


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