Identification: Indoor Topiary - Myrtle - Plant Revival

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by missnk, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. missnk

    missnk Member

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    I have rescued a Myrtle topiary that was meant for indoors but was put outside during a Vancouver winter and spring. I have brought it indoors and now want to revive the dying tree. I have watered it and it's grown a few green leaves but I am clueless as to the maintenance of this plant. Do you keep the soil most always or do you let it get dry???? I have only ever had one other plant and that was a spider plant and everyone knows you can't kill those things! I do know that it doesn't need direct sunlight but still a fair amount of light.

    What should be done?
  2. MamaMac

    MamaMac Active Member

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    I don't know if any tree is actually meant for indoors, but some containerized ones can survive if not thrive indoors. I'm not an expert, but can give you my personal experience with a Myrtle topiary that seems to have been quite happy for the last 4 years. I always let it dry slightly between waterings. More plants are killed by over-watering than under-watering, and one of the best investments you can make is to buy a moisture meter. They are cheap and readily available at any store that has a gardening section as well as any greenhouse. In my experience, you are bang on for it's light requirements,as mine is in a very bright room were it gets indirect south and indirect west sun. It also seems to appreciate an increase in humidity, so if you pebble tray, I'm sure it wouldn't complain! Good Luck!

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