Lawn disease, need help

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Unregistered, Aug 17, 2003.

  1. One lawn I deal with in Whistler, and a friends lawn near Pemberton have a disease I haven't seen before in Vancouver.
    Both are well drained but kept moist (one in part shade one in full sun).
    The lawns are dark healthy green, but there are small patches (or discolourations) of dead grass. The one in full sun almost had a pinkish hue. It is not red thread.
    It is not a form of grub, nor dogs. It's nothing like dog urine, it is almost physiological.
    I noticed it first last fall, it dissapeared after power raking in the spring, and in the last 2 weeks has shown up again.
    Any ideas would be appreciated, Thanks.
  2. Douglas Justice

    Douglas Justice Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    On consulting a turf expert, the following diagnosis was provided:

    Given the timing, it is possible that it is Fusarium (Microdochium nivale). This can cause one of the snow moulds or a patch disease if there is no snow. However, it might be (especially given the timing and the moisture/shade conditions) a disease called pink patch (Limonomyces roseipellis).

    It could, of course, be lots of things and more detail would be required to be more definitive. For example, we would need to know a lot more about the grass being grown, the size and shape of the patches and the fertility and irrigation regime.

    If it is pink patch, they should:
    - manage fertility with adequate N for moderate shoot growth, and P (check soil P with soil test)
    - manage to reduce excessive thatch (that may be why powerraking seemed to help).
    - maintain good drainage (coring) - try to irrigate so grass has a chance to dry out during the day (don't overwater).

    The Province of British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food has a publication called "Turfgrass Disease and Pest Management Guide for Professional Turfgrass Managers in BC" (available from Western Canada Turfgrass Association, 22097 Isaac Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0V9. Tel: 604-467-2564).

    Advice on turf and turf diseases can also be gained through membership in the Western Canada Turfgrass Association (WCTA).
  3. Thanks Douglas. I think it is likely fusarium so I will research that further. It isn't a rare disease, but is unsightly. Thanks!

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