A friend told me what it was,so I just left it in my bathroom.I`v had it about 1yr. when I noticed it had really grown quit a bit and now it is blooming. No one I`v talked to has seen one bloom,in fact they didn`t know it bloomed. From the look of the bloom that must be where they came up with the name.
For the most part, all houseplants will bloom if given the right conditions. For many plants that means being in a green house, but for your plant that must mean being in your bathroom. To each their own I guess! ;)
Your plant, Zamioculcas zamiifolia, (Zz plant) an aroid, must be happy if it's blooming. I'm still waiting! I think mine needs more indirect light than it's getting, or at least a little morning sun.
Mine has just finished blooming over here, which is strange, because it is summer here. Mine gets about 4 hours morning sun. Ed
I must miss half of the writing on posts from reading too quickly!! Do you mean the bloom is boring (compared to other blooms) hence the name Zz, like put you to sleep zzzzzz.....??? : ) Ed
Hmm, I wondered what exactly Bleueye meant by the Zz comment, you might be right Ed! The flowers aren't what you would call flashy, but still, I wouldn't mind seeing a bloom or two...
Yes but it never used to. I chopped down a Blackbean tree and had a Flame tree fall down so, like I said it is getting 4 hours direct morning sun. Some of the leaves are yellowing, but that doesn't bother me. Overall the plants thriving there... Ed