Hi , I need help with my ZZ PLANT. I have had this guy for a few years now and he has grown like crazy. The stems are almost 4 feet tall but are all over the place. I’m wondering if they are just too heavy, do I need to put him in a bigger pot?, tie up the stems to support? PLEASE HELP. I am located in Oregon, this is not the normal location of him nor is it overwatered.
Yours doesn't really look like it's suffering to me, though it probably would be perkier and more compact with more light. I don't care for the look of tied up stems, so am not going to recommend that. Almost the whole internet seems to think these like to stay in their one pot, but an aroid expert wrote an article that I can't locate right now claiming that this is not true for these plants and they do very well in nature with room to spread and they need that room. If it's tipping the pot, you could repot it. I don't think that would make a difference to the length of the stems.
That looks like a totally normal and indeed quite happy ZZ plant - even with more light, the frondlets tend to droop and spread. You can tie it up if you want a more upright look, but like Wendy I'm not fond of doing that because it chokes the centre of the plant and slows overall growth. I'm one of the people who goes against the internet's "wisdom" regarding potting - I'd pot it up, and expect it to keep growing - the frondlet length is a function of plant maturity, not root space, so you won't see shorter or longer stems but what you might see if you give it more root space is pupping.
Thanks, @togata57. That's exactly the article I was thinking of. It contradicts me too - says more light would help it grow larger. I think what is more to the point is that there is a lot of variation in the species.