because I have a lot of aborted zuchini fruit, apparently caused by insufficient pollen fertilization as explained in a research study I read, could somebody familiar with a technique of transferring pollen to the female flower describe that to me? The research study said that female flowers open only once for one night and need multiple pollen grains for effective fertilazation. I haven't noticed obvious pollen on the slender male flowers so a complete description of this process would be appreciated. I'm registered at this forum or my E-mail address is
Since no experts have replied, I'll have a go. The traditional thing to do is to tickle the female part (Stigma) of the flower with a small paintbrush with which you have previously tickled the male parts |(stamens) of a flower. Just don't blame me if you have to explain to your neighbours what you are doing crouched down amongst your zucchinis late at night. Gardenweb had this post: Any help? You can have some fun & mix-up the pollen of several varieties of squash & tickle indiscriminately (promiscuously?). Keep some seeds & see what they produce the next year. gb.
recipient impressed by response by Glass Brain regarding zuchini hand pollination check out the link provided in Glass Brain's response to "zuchini fertization" thread inquiry about improving zuchini production by hand pollinating. The link provided has lots of useful info (12 pages of explanation with pictures and tips). I posted the thread 6/23/08 in Fruit and Vegetable Gardening forum. A research study about the relevant factors regarding sucessful zukes fertilization is at . I found it by googling zuchini botany, among a lot of other interesting entries. Thanks to Glass Brain. I am james eagle at
You shouldn't need to do it at night. I have manually pollinated zucchini during the morning. But you just go round and round the female yellow thingies inside the female flower with a male flower. Just pull back the petals or remove them to expose the single male yellow thingie and gently rub the female parts to transfer the very sticky pollen. I've tried Q-tips, as well, if you don't want to cut the male blossom. Seems to work just as well in my limited experience. Are these guys greenhouse or open field? Bees should pollinate them unless it is still too cold or they've gone locally extinct (CCD) or ?? I highly recommend mixing varieties as you described. If you're patient, you can create new varieties that are optimized to your environment (soil, sun, wind, pests, diseases, rainfall, etc). See: and click on "Return to Resistance" by Raoul Robinson. He has several eBooks you can download on the site that are very important for future food production.