Read one post about growing zucca mellons. Am trying to find out more info on this. three years ago bought six seeds. First year planted outdoors, they froze. planted remainder in pot in April this year transplanted in greenhouse in late may and now have four and a half mellons . The biggest about two feet long and 16 inches in circumference. Any more info I can get would be appreciated. We live in St. Walburg Sask. zone 2 to 3. harrydale
Sure, this thread on the forums is a good start. You might find this photograph from BC Archives of zucca melon processing in 1943 interesting. Scientifically, it is known as Lagenaria siceraria, and is perhaps better known commonly as bottle gourd.
Thanks to Daniel for info on picture of zucca mellon processing from BC archives. They are still grown at the heritage farm at Keremeos BC. I found the gardener lady very helpful with info. My zucca's are about three feet long and weigh about 50lbs, with vines about 20 ft. long. My Email adress is if anyone wants the scant info I have learned about zuccas. Harry
In the unlikely event that anyone comes across this thread, it might be worth mentioning that the Grist Mill and Gardens has a total of seven zucca plants growing this year (2013) and if things continue as they seem to, we may have whole dried zuccas as well as zucca seeds to sell next spring. For some interesting information on the zucca, check out this article. If you're also growing zuccas, please get in touch and let us know... we'd love to compare notes! Chris Mathieson, Operator / Manager Grist Mill and Gardens at Keremeos