Hi, Has anyone had success growing peach trees in the Pacific Northwest on the coast? A co-worker has grown peaches in his south facing front yard for over 3 years in Vancocuver. Has anybody else heard of this? thanks
I have seen many espaliered peach trees in little Italy (Van. Eastside) up against the south wall of the homes... they seem to be doing rather well. Incidentally, and no offence, but 'we' live in the Pacific North East... sorry but I just had to. Japan northward is Pacific North West....
Hi, I will give the peach tree a try. Thanks for the geography lesson....not sure I needed it as "we" all make technical errors every day......
I planted a peach tree that was groomed for our climate and its doing well. I thought that it was a "snow peach" but my wife says its a "frost peach" either way it is readily available and most bigger nursuries. My is free standing and has not suffered from leaf curl or wind burn, which is usually the worry. Its not a great tasting peach but, comparable to the kind we buy in the stores. Its free standing because its a hamock length away from a plum tree.
A few varieties of peach will produce well here in the pacific northwest (I'm no pedant...). The variety 'Frost' mentioned above seems to do well, and is farily resistant to leaf curl which is the bane of peach growers here in the northwest. Give some consideration to dwarf peaches; they produce well, and they are easily accommodated against a south facing house wall.