Hi All I'm New to this page and wanted some direction on some privacy trees for zone 2. I've been looking at the green giant but get mixed reviews. Need some insight please.
If your Canadian Zone 2 (?) location is anywhere near as cold as USDA 2 this tree will not overwinter there. http://www.usna.usda.gov/Gardens/faqs/GreenGiant.html
Is there a tree anyone would suggest, I know towering poplar but any other choices would be great. And need quick growth.
Balsam Fir, White Spruce, Jack Pine, Limber Pine, Whitebark Pine. Also similar species from Siberia, like Siberian Fir, Siberian Spruce, Siberian Pine, Scots Pine. All of these will give you evergreen screening. They do grow fairly slowly, but so does everything in zone 2.