Zephryanthes grandiflora

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by nbeauch, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. nbeauch

    nbeauch Member

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    Please help me to identify this outdoor plant?

    I have added another photo, (the plant I am trying to ID is the one in the MIDDLE, not the mums). I am worried that I will lose this "outdoor" plant over the Winter if I don't know how to care for it...this plant has been passed down from my great grandmother.

    I have obtained this flowering plant from my great grandmother. It has approximately 13 inch long green leaves that are slightly visible in the photo. It flowers in late August and early September, the flowers are a beautiful light pink with a yellow center. The plant thrives in direct sunlight.

    1.) Does anyone know the name of this flowering plant?
    2.) Can you assist me how to care for it, especially during the Winter months? (I believe it's an outdoor plant but don't know if I should leave it outside during the colder months.)

    Thank you in advance. I have been unsuccessful thus far at identifying this plant.


    Attached Files:

  2. Douglas Justice

    Douglas Justice Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    Looks like Zephryanthes grandiflora (pink rain lily). I don't believe that this Mexican species is entirely hardy in the Vancouver area. Try overwintering it inside in as cool an area as possible. When the leaves turn yellow, dry the plant off and store as cool as possible until new growth emerges. Otherwise, plants may survive under cover outside if the winter is mild again.

    See this link to a Japanese website, this link and this link to photographs on the Bulb Society website.
  3. nbeauch

    nbeauch Member

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    Thank You!!!!!!!!!


    Thank you...I think you are right! This plant is actually in the state of Virginia. We have cold winters so it's important for me to winter it properly.

    Thank you again!

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