Hi I'm new here and a novice plant lover. That said I'm in love with my Zamioculcas Zamiifolia because of how easy it is to take care of. I bought it at IKEA of all places and it's been a healthy hearty plant for a year now. When I first bought it I over watered it in my zeal and the tuber got mushy. Doing some research on the internet I found I had overwatered it and that I had to do a lobotomy and extracted the mush and months later the tuber grew back hard as a rock and healthy. Now I know to rarely water it. I just came home from being away for a week and I have to admit I think I had generously watered my sturdy zz plant just before I left for a week vacation. When I came home I found these new growths had appeared. See the images I've attached. Could someone tell me if these are spathe or spadix or if they are a kind of mushroom fungus growing in my zz potted plant? They are yellowish white and about 1 to 1.5 inches tall. If it is a mushroom, could someone tell me how to remove it? And I've just heard that some asthmatic people are sensitive to even indoor household plants. Don't know much about that but I'll be researching this further but.... I have allergies and asthma very sensitive to hayfever etc... and yet I love plants. Weather this is the flower of this plant or a fungus, would it affect me and my breathing and should I be concerned? I hope someone will be able to help me figure this out. Thanks!
Hmmm that looks like the mushrooms i have growing in my plant that i have had planted for a year now.. it is the first that it came up .. just noticed it today .. it is a fungus/mushroom ..not sure how it got there .. hope more people chime in for more info .. Marion
The mushrooms look simlair to, Leucocoprinus birnbaumii. If there is any un-sterilized soil in the pot and the conditons are favorable, spores can begin to grow.The spores can also be brought in by way of your clothes. I had these same type of mushrooms in an indoor palm which I just pulled out. You can pull them out using your fingers, or digging them out with something like a spoon. Dryer soil can also help.