Yucca's dying, help please !

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by fender54, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. fender54

    fender54 New Member

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    Good day everybody ! I feel helpless for my Yucca.

    During the first months everything was perfect until I saw some yellow leaves that turned dry. I thought it was the normal circle of leaves, so I just trimmed the yellow-dry ones off.

    According to all the websites and forum that I read, I thought I watered it to much ( once every two weeks, 500ml maximum. )
    However, it appears that I have a good draining soil in the pot, as it is veeeery dry even when I water it. It is weirdly deeply dry... My pot has holes, and I don't have something to contain the water in the bottom, as I know it's not good for the Yucca. Plants do not like to have their roots sitting in water, it makes sense. So I don't understand where the issue is.

    Also, at first, my yucca was in a really shadowing area, not good for it, but I changed the place relatively quickly. Now, my yucca is quite close (1 to 2 meters) to a sunny window ( south-east ), has direct sunlight.
    It's winter season in Montreal so I don't put my yucca right next to the window cause the glass can be sometimes quite cold.

    So it's been now 2 months that I did not water my plant, because I was afraid it was going to rot.
    But it's worse and worse. The middle one looks like it's dying. And almost all the bulbs (even for the big trunk that looks healthy) are dry-dead.

    I really don't know what to do. I guess I have to trim all of the dead leaves, but I wanted to have your advice, to make sure I don't make a huge mistake.
    Do you think my yucca desperately needs water ? Or the opposite ? Do I have to wait a little more ?

    I know at one point that I also would probably have to repot in spring my Yucca, as the trunks are not stable at all. Because of a pot to small ? Or the soil is too dry ?

    Oh boy. I have a lot of anxiety with this one. I hope there's a solution. Thank you for your help, you are my only hope.

    ( Some photos are taken during the evening, so it's normal it appears there is no sunlight on them )

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  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I think pot too small and plant too dry. Feel how heavy it is right now. Then water it in the sink and let it sit in water for around a half hour, to allow that dry soil to take up water, as water often just runs right through soil that is very dry. Then let the excess water run out and feel how heavy the pot is. So you don't want to water it again when it still feels that heavy. But it shouldn't get totally dry either. If the leaves perk up a day or so after you water them, keep an eye on them to see if you can notice when they start to sag, as that's when it would be time to water again. And when you water it, try to make sure it's as heavy afterwards as it was when you knew it was completely watered.

    Two of those stalks look pretty good. Maybe with the pot so small, the sick-looking one is being sacrificed. I don't know why with an indoor plant you would have to wait until spring to repot it. Its schedule would be messed up anyway with the indoor temperature and light.

    It's better for your floor to have a tray under the pot - you just have to siphon away any excess water that's in the tray after a half hour or so.
    Margot likes this.
  3. fender54

    fender54 New Member

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    Thank you very much for your quick response ! Few days ago I did what you suggested, I was so happy to see for the first time some hydrated soil. Looking forward to see what's coming next. Thank you again !

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