1. Nick Lythgoe

    Nick Lythgoe Member

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    Liverpool. England
    I have acquired two 12ft yucca trees that are currently thriving well in the garden of my friends house. I would like to transplant these trees in to my garden,the area i have allocated faces the west. Can anyone advise me as to the best time to transplant ? and how deep should i plant them ? as i am worried that they may be at risk of falling if they are not planted deep enough.Also is there any specific soil conditions? or do i replant using potting compost mixture with soil ?
    Any replies with advise would be most appreciated.

    Thank You
  2. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    Hi, transplant in the spring, or late autumn if you can (the idea is that they should be dormant - far less stressful for them). Don't plant any deeper than they are now (you can go by the line just above the roots where the soil comes to now once you've dug them), it won't keep them from falling, but could cause the trunk to weaken or rot otherwise. Do plant in coarse, gritty sandy stuff as opposed to rich, peaty compost, as they're essentially desert plants and as the UK isn't deserty, you need to keep them on the dry side in a fast draining site.

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