i have a 7 foot high indoor yucca which is thriving but it is to big for my living room.. can some one let me know the easiest /best way to trim/and take cuttings.. the plant itself has 3 branches coming from one main stem . i want to trim one every 6 months if posible . any help will be appreciated. cheers
I beleive the best way to propogate cuttings of a Yucca is by air layering. It requires cutting a small wedge shaped section from one side of the stem approximately where you would like to cut it. You may want to apply root hormone or no-damp to the cut surface befor packing moss around this area and wrapping with guaze. Keep the moss wet to encourage root growth. Gently unwrap and check for signs of rooting periodically. When you see the roots starting you can then remove it completely from the original and pot it. I tried rooting in water and willow branches before with no success, the cut end rotted in the water. Good Luck, plantluver
If your in the UK why don't you try moving it outside? Where abouts are you there? My nan has a Yucca outside, but she lives in Kent by the sea. So maybe it is warmer there. Carol Ja