I've had this yucca cane plant for almost a year now.Repotted when i first got it.Leaves started turning brown at base of limb.(branch)Also notice some brown at base of limbs to.Thought it was dying;but find new growth.It looks big fo the 12 inch pot thats its in.Do i need to repot or leave it along.Pic 1 is plant in pot;pic 2 is brown spots on plants limb at base.pic 3 is new growth might not be as clear as the others. feed palnt feed last month;probably why i have new growth;but it starting to look to big in pot.Should i repot are not.
Seems OK in that pot for the moment. You could pot up one size if you wish. The new growth is probably because of spring. When you cut the crown off a Yucca, you can repot the crown and you will get new growth from the cut "cane" Ed
Yucca one thing, Cane plants another. This said, Ed is absolutely right - this is a normal process for your Yucca; they'll actually come back sort of bushy - at least, as bushy as a bladed plant gets - from the base of the stump if you cut them down flush to the ground. You can also sometimes plant the top part of the cut trunk, if it's still got leaves on it.
i think the part you are calling the crown is the branch.Do i cut it all the way to the cane stalk or what.Will this cutting kill my plant.
The crown, as it implies, is the top part of the plant ie the part with the leaves on it. If you wanted to cut the crown I would do it about 10 inches past where the leaves stop on the trunk/branch. Personally I wouldn't cut the crown untill it grows a bit more. It looks good as it is at the moment : ) Ed
Yucca elephantipes There is nothing wrong with your plant but it would probably benefit from getting more light. Otherwise, leave it alone. That's normal growth. It put out new growth because it is the beginning of the growing season, not because you gave it fertilizer.
help my yucca cane is losing more leaves;not sure why;pic of plant is on this web site under yucca cane help;leaves are turning brown and getting hard to the touch.
Check your moisture levels - that's usually a sign of too much or not enough water. If the soil is swamped, re-pot immediately.
soil is not to wet;but here is a pic of plant and you can see how the leaves are drying from bottom;it leaving the bark brown. In this pic i circle what am talking bark.@circle at bottom in pic is the bark turning brown after leave has died.The circle on top left of pic is the leaves dying;before bark turns brown.The leaves turn bown then hard;then i remove them.I think it might me an old plant;I've had it about a year;had to put in bigger plant only one time.Been told and hear i could make more plants off this type of plant by cutting out the top,not sure how to do that.hope i can save this plant if its dying.
OK, that gives me a better idea. You don't need to be concerned about it at all! That's the natural process of the old leaves dying and the trunks turning into branches.