Hi all! In browsing around, this seemed to be a pretty excellent place to ask for some assistance from folks more knowledgable than myself. I've just recently moved, and was sent this lovely Peace Lily as a moving gift from my parents. It's been with me for about 3 weeks now, and I'd love to keep it alive. However, despite keeping it well watered (Moist soil, once a week or so) it's drooping very dramatically. It's near a window that does receive a good bit of light, but that light is filtered through blinds. I've attached a few pictures that show how dramatic the droop is. Any help would be very much appreciated!
Any thoughts? Really concerned for the plant. Doesn't seem to want to perk back up no matter what I do. Checked the roots this afternoon, no sign of root rot, and the soil was moist all the way through. Not sure how to save it, or if it's even possible.
Let it alone - it's got moving shock. Don't water until the soil is dry to the depth of your first knuckle, and it should come around in about a week or so.
Well, it didn't move with me, however, I did move it from one area to another a week or two ago. And I'm sure being shipped from the nursery in Florida to me in San Francisco was traumatic for the plant.
A little over a week later and it seems a bit worse, actually. Yellowing leaves and dried out flowers. And the leaves are at least as severely wilted. Any suggestions?
So almost another week, and here's where we're at. Is it time to give up? Edit: And after three uploads, that desperately wants to be upside down. Here's a right-side up version. http://i.imgur.com/AQNIDh.jpg
From my experience with Peace Lilies, they are what I call "expressive plants". By that, I mean they tell you what they want. They droop when they are thirsty... and they take up *a lot* of water. So it might seem that you've really watered it, but it might not be enough. I wait for my Lily to tell me when it wants water (i.e. I wait until it gets visibly droopy) and then I water it like crazy (probably around 3-4 liters of water, and based on photos, your plant actually looks bigger than mine, so it might want even more). It usually perks up within just a few hours.
Sorry... I just realized that this was a really old bump. My bad (although my point still stands hahaha).