I have 3 queen palms planted together, and one of them is turning kind of yellow, while the other one is wilty, and the other one is thriving. I notcied that my neighbors all around me have the same thing going on with there queen palms. any thoughts?
sorry about the lack of info, i was hoping to get more responses if i put mulitple threads....my palms are on a drip system and get watered 2 times a day everyday. they are usually pretty moist throughout the day, but occasionaly (every 3 or so days) i water them by hand in addition to the drippers. Well, I have put a palm fertilizer stake into the soil beneath the dripper, this was about a month ago, and i havent seen any improvement in the palms.....epson salt, huh? Thanks, I will try that.
Is Epson Salts Good For Palm Tree Seedlings? Weather They Are Yellow Or Not? I Have Herd It Makes Palms More Greener, And Grow Faster, Is This True? And Do You Just Sprinkle On Top Of Soil, If Potted? Gary