I've just purchased a Stella Cherry tree. I planted it in my back yard where I also have new sod. The tree is getting a lot of water and now some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow. I'm new to yard care and gardening, so I don't know what's going on. The tree is about 10-12 feet tall and the dirt around the base of the tree is always damp. Is this tree dying on me? Thanks for the help.
Two possibilities related to water: overwatering, or else not watering deeply enough. You may think the soil is always wet, bit is it getting down to the roots of the tree? And if it is ALWAYS getting down to the roots of the tree, it could be that they need a dry day between waterings. Especially in hot weather, overwatering promotes root rot. Not sure about your climate as I don't recognize the name Dever, though that might be Denver I suppose. But it's probably summer everywhere now.
10-12 feet is a large specimen to have just acquired, if is not also too wet or too dry it may be shedding foliage from having been moved that large and lost part of its root system.