Hello everyone! New here from Ontario, Canada. I currently own two citrus a 6 year old Meyer Lemon tree and 3 year old Caladomin ( I’m such a proud citrus tree mom lol). So I have owned my lemon tree for three years last year was my first fruit set and this year from circumstances I didn’t have my tree all summer until fall. My lemon had 5 growing fruit - 3 fell off and 2 are still on the tree.. Currently with good fertilizer and watering schedule, and micro folier spray it’s dropping all its leaves and turning yellow.. It never really grew new leaves this summer. It’s still flowering and holding onto two medium size fruit now. No root rot and I’m unsure what the problem could be..Soil/drainage,Light, watering? It was fine last year but hurting this year and it has no bugs (treated with neem oil to be safe) Also “Millet” can you recommend a good grow light for my tree?? Brand, type, wattage? Thanks I have more pics of previous years too.
I think some of the yellowing leaves can be attributed to normal leaf senescence. Where did you get the neem oil from? I thought it was no longer available in Canada. It seems @Millet no longer frequents this forum. However he can be found in the Citrus forum at Tropical Fruit Forum - International Tropical Fruit Growers - Index.