Can someone help me identify this? I am not sure whether it is a fungus or insect eggs...I never see anything come out of them, but they look like little eggs. It gets fairly bright yellow in colour, and seems to be in most of my houseplants. I would also like to know how to prevent it. Thanks
If it is fungus you can easily kill it by applying cinnamon from your kitchen. Many aroid growers use cinnamon as an anti-fungal on a regular basis.
Cinnamon also worked well on killing a thin layer of white fungus growing on the leaves of one of my plants a few yrs back.... Good Stuff!
This post is a God send! I've been having this same problem in my plant soil off and on for a long time. Your answer saved my huge Aloe plant from being tossed out because I thought the little egg looking things were insect eggs.