yellow leaves of spring

Discussion in 'Maples' started by emery, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Although my photography isn't always exactly true to color, many maples leafed out very yellow this year. Some expected, others less so.

    Who can identify the 8 trees here? :)


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    Last edited: Jun 1, 2007
  2. whis4ey

    whis4ey Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northern Ireland
    Amazing colours ... just goes to show why maples are a great collector's dream
    Talking about dreams .... is the first one an Orange Dream?? or Katsura??
  3. Gomero

    Gomero Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southwest France
    Hi Emery,
    Good initiative. I'll give it a quick try:
    - 2: Acer x zoeschense 'Annae'
    - 0 and 7 seem A. cappadocicum one Aureum (0?? or is it a pictum?) another Rubrum (7)
    - 1 and 3 seem Psedoplatanus. I would say 3 Brillantissimum, but seems too yellow or Prince Handjéry. 1 could be either Leopoldii, Simon Louis Freres or Nizetti.
    - 6: platanoides 'Princeton Gold'
    - 5 is tough, 'Marmorata'?
    - 4: je donne ma langue au chat ;o))

  4. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    1 no idea,2Nizetii,3 Orange dream,4pseudo Spring Gold,5 no idea,6Pictum Usugumo7,platanoides "Prigo"8 Cappadocium Aureum ...alex
  5. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Here's another hint for the first picture (mystery0). I'm attaching a picture of the mature leaves.

    There's is not an Acer palmatum in the bunch... :)

    As for the rest, Gomero and Alex have solved mystery6 and mystery7: they are 'Princeton Gold' (or Prigo) and cappadocicum 'Aureum' respectively. Gomero, you are on the right track for mystery4! :)

    My apologies for the silly numbering which starts at 0... old habits hard to break.

    mystery 2 leafs out red orange but it went quite yellow before going green.

    Here are young leaves on a Simon Louis Freres, comes out very pink here.

    Now, back to the lawn mowing...


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    Last edited: Jun 2, 2007
  6. Gomero

    Gomero Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southwest France
    Mistery 2 looks like a truncatum but I do not know yellow leaved cultivars. Otherwise also looks like buergerianum ssp nigpoense but its young leaves are red and not yellow.
    Mistery 0 looks like a pictum, the only red/yellow leaved that I know is marmorata.

  7. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    Longipes Gold Coin?
  8. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Bravo Alex! Soon you will win the prize: a trip to your local pub, where you can buy yourself a beer! (or libation of choice). :)

    Gomero is right again also. Mystery 2 is A. truncatum Akikaze nishiki. Normally this is quite red in early stages. I think it was effected by the severe frost when the leaves were very little; they survived but went the yellow in the picture. At the end of April they -- and the rest of the garden -- was pounded by a horrible hail storm: marble sized, for 6-7 minutes. Akikaze nishiki was not the worst off but lost many leaves. Now enthusiastic fresh growth is coming out, bright red.

    So, half way there. Are there no other guesses from the experts on this forum? ;)

  9. Gomero

    Gomero Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southwest France

    For mistery 1 you should post a better picture, can't see well the full shape of the leaf.

    Mistery 3 really looks like a pseudoplatanus, Spring Gold?

    Mistery 4 leaves are quite young and hard to tell. It looks like it belongs to the Section Palmata and by elimination it could be oliverianum, although mine puts out red new leaves.

    Mistery 5 looks interesting. I can't guess. What throws me off are the leaf margins untoothed. Give more hints.

  10. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Hi Gomero,
    I have attached another picture, but I don't have many as the leaves are high. As the colour darkens the leaf underside shows a purple-ish hue.

    Sometimes referred to as the Haunted Maple...

    This is a nasty one. :) I don't have a mature picture but it retains good yellow colour, the leaf shape is the same when mature. Bark is a clue, if you can make it out.

    Another picture attached, from last year end of may. The red petiole may be a clue...


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  11. Gomero

    Gomero Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southwest France
    Hi Emery,
    Thanks for the hints:

    Mistery 3: Diabolicum, I did not know it could be this yellow!

    Mistery 5: Isn't that your platanoides 'Maculatum'?, although the pics you postaed two weeks ago are not the same.

    Mistery 4, the nasty one: Circinatum 'little gem', it is reputed to show a great variability in leaf shape and those red twigs....

    Mistery 1 could be a variegated rubrum but I do not know that species very well

  12. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    My hints didn't help, sorry... :)

    Here are the solutions, in full:

    1st picture, mystery0: A. longipes ssp amplum 'Gold Coin.' It initially leafs out with a beautiful red gold, reminiscent of Katsura or Orange Dream. This fades to a good yellow in sun or light green in full shade.

    2nd picture, mystery1: A. pseudoplatanus 'Prince Camille de Rohan.' This sycamore is very bright at leaf out before taking on stronger colours with a purplish leaf underside. However the tint takes many weeks to take hold in full sun.

    3rd picture, mystery2: A. truncatum 'Akikaze nishiki.' Frost yellowed the situation, normally young leaves are bright red fading to green.

    4th picture, mystery3: The haunted maple is A. pseudoplatanus 'Corstorphinense!' Sorry, wrong leaf shape for A. diabolicum, the Devil's Maple. Under "this tree the second Lord Forrester was murdered by his sister-in-law on August 26, 1679." I have heard he was slain with his own sword, and his ghost haunts the tree ever since... An amazing bright yellow that lights up an entire area, with big gracious leaves and plentiful flowers. Great tree.

    5th picture, mystery4... is a ringer. It's not a maple at all, rather Liquidambar styraciflua 'Moonbeam.' Very careful perusal of the second picture might have shown the buds are alternate. Sorry about that! :) (Hey, I was careful never to state that these were all maples!) This worthy plant has a lovely variation from yellow to light green depending on the leaf, that gives a dappled aspect even in full sun.

    6th picture, mystery5: A. pictum 'Hoshi yadori.' The lovely star leafed maple leafs out pink in the manner of Usugumo, then goes quite white before passing through yellow to fresh green. Retains the red petioles of A. pictum all season. Large leaves, pretty tough, this is a fine tree. It actually resisted very well the hail storm, leaves were torn up but mostly didn't turn brown.

    7th picture, mystery6: A. platanoides 'Princeton Gold' leafs out a strong yellow before fading to a brilliant lime green. The colour is very unique in the garden, quite unlike the other mature yellow plants and therefore very worthy of attention. Doesn't sunburn even in full sun.

    8th picture, mystery7: A. cappidocicum 'Aureum.' A grand classic, like P.G. doesn't sunburn. I have these two growing side by side, they make a very pretty contrast.

    Hope you all were a little amused by the game, anyway! My way of drawing attention to some of the other terrific -- non palmatum -- maples that are out there.


  13. Gomero

    Gomero Well-Known Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Southwest France
    Grrrr., this is the maple forum!!!! ;o)))

    Amazing, I have a 'Hoshi yadori' and the leaves do not look at all like yours.

  14. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Yes, I surrendered to a rather base impulse. Probably not for the last time. ;)

    I guess it's another example of exposition and culture I'd be fascinated to see a picture of yours if you've got one (and it's convenient of course). Mine seems quite similar to all the pictures I've seen of it, as far as I can tell anyway.



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