Hi all, I'm new to this forum and not sure which category to place my question so here goes. We have small circles of yellow grass.. the whole circle is yellow and we can find no sign of chinch bug or sod web worm (if that is the correct name). I've read about one symptom which has an inner eye of yellow (frog eye??) that isn't it either. Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers. vdavies
no dog and my female tiny dog is in the back yard only and we do not have any marks where she piddles. we thought it was something left over from having chinch bugs two years ago?? not sure though. The grass seems taller or higher as well as yellow. perhaps I should learn to download a picture of one of the spots so people can see it? it has been hot and we are on water restrictions so it isn't from over watering - and if it was because of dryness it would be 'dead' grass not yellow grass as this is.. thanks for asking though. vdavies.
too bright for a picture now - maybe later when the sun is down sizes range from about 18" in circumference to just 4" and they are uneven - not a smooth circle .. will try for that photo end of the day. many thanks .. vdavies.. grass appears a little clumpy or uneven within this jagged circle.