How tall ? (I didn’t see you posted height already up to 3’) Leaves ? Have a look at « giant mullein » Verbascum thapsus It’s in bird seed sometimes so maybe that’s why it’s in the park - i would not plant it on purpose but the small birds do like it, so it seems (hang off the dried flower stalk in winter picking out seeds) E-Flora BC Atlas Page I would also look at Toadflax but I don’t see the « butter & eggs » colors in the flower
You just happened to photograph a bit of an oddball flower. The pistils on many Onagraceae are divided into 4 stigma lobes, and in Oenothera, many of these appear like a plus sign. You shared a photograph of one with 5 lobes, so a little bit of a hiccup in flower development there.
Actually I was more interested in the group of tiny beetles in the deep of the flower. I searched the whole afternoon and finally find out they might be Bruchidius villosus, belonging to Bruchinae, Chrysomelidae. They are 2.5~3mm in length.