If you ever come across the border to visit the outlet malls I can give you cuttings. I have 'Gold Charm'.
Check with customs beforehand, unless they have become much tighter it might be just a matter of making an appointment to have the cuttings looked at and then getting the go ahead (if they pass inspection) - indoor plant cuttings with no soil or roots involved might not be an area of much concern.
I called the Canadian Food Agency this morning about bringing a unrooted plant cutting of a Zygocactus (Schlumbergera) alias Christmas Cactus into Canada from Washington and was told that I needed a certificate to do so. It's not worth the effort of me getting one but hopefully someone in the gardening industry may bring/have some plants delivered into Canada. If anyone hears of any stores across Canada, I would be interested in obtaining some. Thanks for everyone's help.
I think yellow Schlumbergera are available in Canada. There are some listed on Amazon.ca. I think I have seen them in plant centres.
I've seen them on Amazon too but wouldn't you need a certificate unless there's a Canadian version of that site here? Do you remember the location in Canada that you've seen them? Thinking of maybe joining a cactus club close to home.
Checked out Amazon.ca and they have it. Never ordered online before. Anything I should be aware of on doing so?
I did a search for Schlumbergera + .ca and a seller on Amazon.ca (Canadian site for Amazon) came up. I can't easily tell where the seller is actually located, but they are actively marketing in Canada. You might find more from this search. Don't know where I saw them, just a big box or the plant section of the grocery. I posted before your last post. I have never ordered from them. Reviews are good. Caveat emptor.
I ordered a yellow cactus from Amazon.ca, it never showed up, so I ordered cuttings....they grew great but It bloomed Pink and they would not even respond to my complaint, and no refund
Sorry to hear that Charlene. I guess yellow is still hard to come by. A few years ago, Douglas Justice handed me a few dried Schlumbergera fruit, supposedly from yellow or white flowered plants. I germinated the seed. It was remarkably easy. The aftercare was easy as well. I planted 3 seedlings to a pot and got two dozen pots or so. Many of the plants bloomed at one year. They were mostly pink, some intense reds. There are 3 nice orange flowered ones and one "glowing" orange/red/pink with nice flower form. I cross pollinated the orange ones and the glowing one. I have 12 fruit that I will soon harvest. It will be interesting to see what comes out of that generation. Hopefully I will see blooms next winter.
When ordering on line from Amazon.ca keep in mind that a good percentage of the vendors are actually outside of Canada so plant material will not make it into Canada, even though they say they will ship (I found this out the hard way when I order some cactus pads and they never showed up; a little digging showed that the vendor was actually in the US)
Came across this (rather pricey) plant arrangement from a Canadian florist which includes yellow Christmas cactus: Ice and Succulents - Flower Co.. Currently out of stock but may be worth an inquiry.