My yard is being over take by weeds this year and I would like to know what they are so I can deal with them properly. Does anyone know what this weed is? Weed number has leaves similar to a dandelion but they have purple on them though it does not show up on these pictures. The flowers are also purple and tubular.
Looks like Salvia lyrata a native wildflower. Any chance you could learn to like it?
Wow, I have a yard full of wild flowers, who knew? I am already in love with the spiderswort that is also growing rampantly in my yard along with a third unknown, to me anyway, weed or wild flower with a purple bloom. It also appears to be in the mint family. Thank you for your reply. I think I will keep it. Also thank you for the links to the two sites. I will try to find my other unknown plant there. Thanks again.