Xanthosomas with unusual leaf forms

Discussion in 'Araceae' started by bihai, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    FL USA
    I like plants that are A) variegated and/or B) have unusual leaf forms that stand out and don't get lost in my jungle (doesn't everyone, LOL?)

    These 2 Xanthos are faves of mine. Ths first is X. wendlandii. Its getting ready to go dormant...it disappears about this same time every year and pops back out in March when the days get longer. The reddish leaved plant is Caladium "Excalibur", which does the same thing

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  2. bihai

    bihai Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    FL USA
    This plant was sold to me as Xanthosoma brasiliense, but I don't believe that's what it is. It doesn't resemble any photos of X. brasiliense that I have ever seen. Might anyone know what it really may be?

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  3. LariAnn

    LariAnn Active Member

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    Miami, Florida USA
    I also have the one in your second picture, and I've had it for years. Once I got it as large as 5 feet tall and it bloomed! I was going to try hybridizing it, but something went wrong and I never was really sure when the inflorescence opened, so I missed out.

    I had another one that had leaves like a Sauromatum, but with the color and texture of the one in the second picture. It would have one or two leaves and then bloom. I wish I still had it now, but it was one of the casualties of hurricane Andrew for me.

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