Found them on my backyard pear tree. (Richmond, BC) Wonder if they are Xanthoria candelaria or X. polycarpa ? Also, kindly ID the greyish green lichen alongside. Thank you.
In the lower half of the foto are some greenish stuff. Are these also lichens ? Also, are those white with black spots - Aspicilia cinerea ?
Welcome to the forums David, I am so very happy you posted lichen photos, both because they are beautiful critters, and that you have provided shots clearly showing some key features. - Your yellow-orange one looks like Xanthoria polycarpa the Pincushion Sunburst (habitat, apothecia and lobe features). The wee greyish one next to is appears to be Physcia, likely Physcia adscendens the Hooded Rosette. And the liverwortish one looks like one of the Camouflage lichens such as Melanelixia glabratula or Melanohalea exasperatula, but a larger specimen and other details would need examination. I'm pretty sure the crust is not Aspicilia cinerea due to lack of areolata, but I'm not that familiar with Aspicilias. Take a look at Ochrolechias and Pertusarias ... but also there appear to be two organisms there. A couple of other lichens at the edges of the photos. Getting in gear for lichen season :-) frog
Am a fresh hand in lichen/fungi. Just because birds are few these days and winter birds only started to arrive. There is not much birds to shoot, so resort to macro fotos. More than pleased to have so detail comments. Many thanks indeed.