This was our chirstmas tree and it was cut down on the 4th of Dec up in the mountains of North East Oregon here .. it has very hard prickly needles. (was not fun decoratieng ) but i wanted to know what kind it is and why it is still growing as you tell by the pics.. if you need any more pics of certain areas let me know.. is this odd that it is still doing this ?? thanks for any help on this Marn
well i knew it was a type of fir tree ..just thought maybe a certain kind.. most fir's ive seen have had soft needles.. not hard and pokey . thanks for your help Marn
It's pokey because it's a spruce. Which species it is not apparent to me from these shots, likely M. Frankis will soon chime in with an idea.
thanks ya guys .. i really appreciate it .. is there any reason why it is still growing ??.. or will it die off soon ??.. it did make for a cool chirstmas tree this year .. thanks again Marn
It is growing in the same way that a cut flower in a vase does - although the buds are still alive (and opening with the indoor heat), it is a 'last dying gasp' and the plant as a whole is effectively dead.