they keep getting bigger the longer you let them live and keep re-seeding themselves in the ground. the more dirt theyve got the bigger theyll grow. nice!
they are very fragrant once the bloom has opened, smells like lemons. as i was standing outside one night to catch the moths feeding on them, i kept getting whiff's of the citrus smell... and also kept getting dive-bombed by the moths. these pics were from july 27th. it has grown since then but it's limited with the planter it's in. one of the pics you can almost see slight yellow veins on the white flower, anothere there is a moth climbing in (he'd go as far as he could into the flower, stay a bit then come right back out, fly around and go back in), and then another pic with 2 of them extending some very long "things" out of themselves. looked about twice the length of their bodies.
Im sorry i'm not writing for this topic. but , in the website you entered, on the top of the page, there is a strange flower, on the right side of "the values of erowid". In my country, we call it clock flower and i don't know why. I can't find it's latine name. can anybody tell me? Thank you!
I was at a friends house one day and he told me about this flower and I waited for a while to see it bloom. I didn't wait long enough. Then I stopped over again and we were talking about it and he went out back and dug up 3 plants about 7-8inch tall. I took them home and stuck them in the ground. Had a yard sale and one got smashed my a ladys purse. What's in the pic is only 2 plants close together. The thing is... his plants are only about 2 foot tall and with only 4 blooms at once. Hey Thanks a lot!!
Anisa, is it perhaps Passiflora, or Passion flower? Generally, by the way, if you have a new question here you should start a new thread.
To Toutlan... great pics of ur flowers. I have one as well, my cousin gave it to me as a seedling and it's now almost 2 feet tall. She told me it's called an Angel's Trumpet. Mine has the same color flowers as yours. It's amazing to watch them open up at night and they have an awesome smell. When I get my pics developed I will try and post them. Enjoy your blooms.
the orange bloom is a brugmansia. as a rule brugmansia flowers face downwards hence angels trumpet horn blowing down from heaven. and datura blooms face upwards hence devils trumpet horn blowing up from hell. datura blooms will start angeling down just before they close but when it is full open it will face upwards. the two species are graft compatable i have grafted datura discolor to noid peach brugmansia and it lasted about 5 months longer than the plant i got the cutting from and have double purple grafted to a noid peach that has been on there for about a year. i also just recently was able to graft an iochroma to a noid peach brugmansia. the later has not bloomed yet i am hopeing the iochroma flowers may be a little larger but doubt it the double purple datura blooms are slightly larger than the blooms on the plant i got the cutting/scion from but not a huge amount different. forgot to add noid is simply no id
I have never had any luck with Datura, but I've got Brugmansia coming out my ears - good to know that if I can get seedlings going I can graft them to my brugs. Oh, forgot! The other reason for the Brugmansia = Angel's Trumpets and Datura = Devil's Trumpets is that Brugmansia generally flowers in the daytime (in the light of God), and Datura at night (in the Devil's darkness).
Why are we writing key words in red?? Ed PS since I posted this all the red words have gone back to black...I don't know whats going on...
if you do a search all the key words will show up in red i donot see any red letters accept in you're last post