I have always thought that different varieties of acer palmatums had to be grafted because their roots where not hardy.....but i guess the main reason is to keep the desirable colors and grow habits consistant??? is this correct? I'm mostly interested in seeds from green or variegated cultivars but anything would be great. I know this will not produce trees like the parent but i'm interested in what kinds I will get. email me if you would be so kind. i live in oregon.
Likely best to receive seeds from a US source, considering the present US import regulations seed from foreign sources could be dead on arrival.
Fresh, unhardened seeds of maples germinate more readily than those that have become dry and brown. If you could find a source plant of this very common (where adapted) garden tree, gather your own fully developed but still soft and green fruits this coming late summer or autumn that would probably be optimal. Variegated cultivars (and others) may come partly true from seed, a friend has gotten a number of colored seedlings from fruits of a coralbark maple. However, do not expect a solid flat of clones of the seed parent, as though you had grafted it or raised it from cuttings.