can someone tell me what to do to get rid of this annoying worms that has been feeding my cherry leaves and FRUIT(pic #2)!!! I have this tree for 2 years now. I thought it was the ant that it was eating the fruit last year and I applied tanglefoot (honey-like glue) around the trunk of my Cherry tree before the bud are even open, I have NO idea how those worms got into the tree!!! there are quite abit of them, I have picked at least 10-20 worms within 30mins... can you guys please identify the worm and tell me how to get rid of them. please check out the pictures...
A looper caterpillar of some sort, not finding a good ID in a quick glance at our print resources. Eggs would be laid by moths. As for control, likely repeated applications of products with BtK would work - or hand-picking, with some help from the chickadees.
Thanks for the reply, my question is how did these worms got onto the tree since I applied the tanglefoot right after the frost(before the buds are even open)