Hello, I found this shoot on the edge of our property. It's probably just a new growth tree, but I've never seen one in this development stage before. It has red leaves off a woody stalk and a bud with curled fronds, located in central illinois: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&sou....453559,-89.780617&spn=0.028829,0.055275&z=14 Off a corn or soy field if that makes a difference. Thanks for the help. -- Related question, for this sort of identification, are there any software/web systems an amature could use? Something that has taxonomic system questions, 'Leaves have 5 fold symmetry','Red Leaves' -> 10 possibilities? Or is that just wishful thinking?
Looks like Aesculus. Possibly a buckeye. The red bits are not true leaves, they are the outer protective layer of the bud. As the leaves push them open they fold downwards.