Think that they are sowbugs/pillbugs and if they are then a search of them on this site will bring up lots of info. I live in HMB and asked a similiar question a couple of years ago. Margaret
Ah, that would make sense, never heard that name. Pill bugs are all over my garden as well. They are beneficial in breaking down dead plant matter to form the soil. They don't usually do much damage to plants, however, they eat my strawberries, which does not make me happy. Keeping garden waste raked up will help keep them away from your valuable plants. Keeping things on the dry side will impede them.
thanks Eric problem is, I mulch with either seaweed, fresh from the beach, or lately, with timothy hay (SP?). I have even tried mulching around the strawberries, but that was a diasater! Had to remove the hay quickly! I have looked at many links. It seems that we have to live with them bugs- and share our harvest...