More detail incl size etc is helpful is this in your garden ? meanwhile I am guessing you’ve got a lily or two coming up - again, a guess pending more info from you
Hi I took the photos today. It seems to be popping up in a bunch of places in our yard. Not anywhere near where we have planted lilies. A couple more pictures attached. It is about the same size as the pen. but looking at fire weed i think that is it. Thanks so much!!
i have a long saga and love-hate relationship with fireweed Yes it’s pretty and natural and wildlife like it then it spreads and sends fluff in to neighbors pool and our window screens etc Our fireweed came in a load of expensive topsoil for which the « recipe blend » I realize now included soil and or stumps from local logging sites (throw in a used head gasket and some of those metal toothy looking staples that hold palettes together) So it took me years to pull out the fireweed —- it looked pretty the first year! Then I realized it spreads in rope-like roots underground that are as tough as salmon berry or blackberry or ivy roots So — carefully dig around your « volunteers » and consider removing asap if it is fireweed and dispose of according to your city bylaws for green waste. then again - if you have a huge acreage and just a patch of this - bees love it — the old timers used to truck their hives up the mtn and let them summer in last year’s logged off (and subsequently slash burned ) areas to soak up the delicious fireweed as bees do. Fireweed honey was « a thing » as they say. hère is a photo of fireweed I found in our small coastal garden this week —- it’s also the size of a pen and had those red stripes like you’ve found. the single photo of larger green plant is indeed a lily — for comparison in this conversation