Hi all, I am local to Vancouver and like to grow beautiful and unusual conifers and other gymnosperms, including starting from seed. I would love to add Wollemia to my collection. It seems like they were being sold and cultivated in North America several years ago but now I am unable to find any sources, except for B'z Greenhouse, which has very limited supply. Does anyone on the Pacific West Coast have a reproductive Wollemia? Or know of a reliable source of seeds or seedlings? Thanks so much!
I seem to recall seeing a couple smaller plants at Minter's in Chilliwack a couple months ago. They also had a large reproductively mature one, but I don't think it's for sale.
The Wollemia seeds I've collected from cultivated plants have all been empty (non-viable), likely due to lack of cross-pollination.
Hi someone know one source for buy Wollemia nobils in Europe? (i hope UK remove the ban for the plants soon )
After brexit ,receive plants from UK to EU Is impossible because there Is a ban and plants send in EU stay quarantine without soil only musk and whashing roots...and more UK source haven t International permission .i repeat Is impossible receive plants still in life :( .for the moment Wollemia nobilis Is in stock only in UK i not found in EU
How about sources in Ireland, which is in the EU? A quick search turned up a couple leads: https://www.promessedefleurs.ie/shrubs/conifers/conifers-a-to-z/wollemia-nobilis.html https://www.kellsgardens.ie/ The plant is currently not available at either source but you could follow up with emails of inquiry. In the latter case, the plant is not currently listed but has been available in recent years: (2022) https://www.kellsgardens.ie/wp-cont...ns-and-other-plants-August-2022-Kells-Bay.pdf (2021) https://www.kellsgardens.ie/wp-cont...-and-other-plants-16th-May-2021-Kells-Bay.pdf
In case you're not aware it, here's a seed company in Germany. Unfortunately they are currently out of stock. https://www.rarepalmseeds.com/wollemia-nobilis