Does anyone know if it is possible to grow a happy witch hazel in a planter? (I am thinking of Hamamelis 'Brevipetala') It would get sun almost all day long in the late spring / summer but only reflected light during the rest of the year. The planter I have is about 1.3 metres across and 70cm tall. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Sounds big enough to last for some years, after which it would probably have to be moved on. Hamamelis grow quite large, some the size of small trees.
Thanks, Ron. How will I know when it needs to be moved? I am also thinking of a Kilmarnock willow--would that be better for a pot? - Ivy
Appearance of top deteriorates, top of root system becomes more visible...the willow would probably last longer, depending on how it likes the soil mix used. The thing about plant husbandry is that it is full of variables, with the true answer often being "It depends". Commercial interests work toward portraying gardening as being more predictable than it is, in order to increase sales.