I have a wisteria I grew from a seed and I am trying to determine what type it is. The vines rotate clockwise.
I think more info will be needed. If you have a photo, try posting that. Here is the "How to" http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=725 Where did you get the seed?
Assuming that you write with your right hand, if you follow your usual direction of pen stroke (i.e. starting at the top, and finishing at the bottom), imagine writing: 1. 'J' , for Japan (clockwise, viewed from above, or from the advancing tip of the vine) for the Japanese Wisteria floribunda. 2. 'C' for China =(anti-clockwise) for the Chinese Wisteria sinensis Why is this? The next time you pull the plug off your bath tub, watch as the water swirls down into the drain hole in a particular direction. But which direction? Is it the same direction all the time? Is it the same direction in the sink too? Another bath tub?