Re: New Wisteria owner needs advice Hi all.. Now I have lots of questions .. first of all I live in Hawaii ..Big Island .. Hilo side.. and a friend sent me a Japanese Wisteria plant around 4 yrs ago. We live in an area with LOTS of lava rock and so I potted it in a pot.. Every year it sheds its leaves and then leaves come back .. right now there are lots of leaves..NO husband made a trellis of chicken wire and bamboo posts .. and after reading about what to use for support i can see we made our first boo boo.. I have NO idea WHERE or WHEN to prune it either.. I wanted to send a picture of it but can't find a thingy here of where to go to post a picture..another thing we are doing wrong is the trellis is leaning against the roof and the wisiteria is up to the roof now.. I was told not long ago that i must have a boy wisteria plant as it doesn't bloom.. a girl wisteria is needed to flower.. someone is most likely pulling my leg here about this but I emailed my friend in GA who sent me the plant and asked if she could send me a cutting of her wisteria as it blooms every year.. so she did ... I have three cuttings that I received this Friday and we put rootone all three and they are in a pot next to the original wisteria.. I NEED HELP REALLY BAD!!! Thanks!!
Re: New Wisteria owner needs advice I forgot to add that it rains quite a bit here at times with what is called acid rain. But summer time we get alot of sun as well..
Re: New Wisteria owner needs advice I live in the Siskiyou mountains of southern Oregon ... always wanted to live where I could grow wisteria. We have a lovely guest cabin with a large deck covered with spaced 2 X 6s, and I wanted wisteria racemes to hang down from them. I've gotten my wish, but only with lots of containment. First, I'm amazed that anyone can keep a wisteria in any sort of container. Mine would muscle out and bust up any container in DAYS, if not hours. My wisteria vines normally grow at minimum 14 feet/year. The pencil-thin stem 5 years ago has grown to the size of my upper arm now. My wisteria try to remove the roof on the guest house each year and try to bring down neighboring trees. Each winter, after the leaves have fallen off the vines (usually in December-January-February), we bring out the machetes and hack off most of the new growth and throw it away. This sort of treatment only makes the wisteria more determined to grow more aggressively the following spring, so don't be faint of heart while pruning. Three out of four years, I do, indeed, have the luxury of seeing dozens of exotic racemes streaming down through the lattice-work suspended over the guest cabin deck. The aroma is simply divine and makes all the work well-worth it. My only real problem is that at our altitude, we have some late spring frost which, when it occurs, totally nails the raceme buds, and when that happens (as it did this year), I have no blooms this year. :(
Re: New Wisteria owner needs advice So I gather then that as soon as the leaves fall off i should prune the wisteria down really low. I have this wisteria in our rock garden in the pot. hubby has planted so many plants in the yard it will be hard to find a good sunny area except for the rock garden .. and now if these new cutting take i will have 4 wisteria plants and I will most likely die before they bloom! boo hoo! Where do the flowers come from.. all I see are leaves..Are there any leaves on the wisteria if it blooms.. ?? I know these are dumb questions but i don't know a blooming thing about this plant but want it to make those lovely sweet smelling blooms!! A friend sent me a white lilac as well and it is a small little thing but doing well..