Wisteria bloomed but has no leaves-why?

Discussion in 'Vines and Climbers' started by mpsubc, May 10, 2008.

  1. mpsubc

    mpsubc Member

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    Central NJ USA
    Our gorgeous Wisteria had one of the most spectacular years last year - 2007. The vine was fully blossomed, full of leaves & just magnificant. The vine is approximately 14 to 16 years old, trained on two branches to simulate a tree form, in a well drianed space, about 7ft tall and between other evergreens. It gets full afternoon sun.

    However, this spring was a bit unseasonal, (Central NJ, USA). We had very little rain in April and 2 weeks of daily hot 85-9o degree temps to cold 34 degree temps at night and days too. May, so far has had the most rain for the first week of spring and the temperature has once again dropped back into the 60's during the day and 40's at night. The Wisteria does not appear to have any fungus and the evergreens around it are all healthy too.

    The Wisteria bloomed and was very aromatic except that when I further looked at it, I realized that it did not have any leaves. Not knowing any better, I gave it some fertilizer (Miracle Grow) to see if it helps. It's too early to know if it helped.

    Is my Wisteria going through a late change or is it at the end of its life? Any other thoughts would be helpful.

    Thnx ...... Mike
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Scrape bark etc. to see if all or part of top is dead.
  3. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
    Mine flowers with out the leaves they come in later. In fact they are about to go into autumn gold.
  4. mpsubc

    mpsubc Member

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    Central NJ USA

    Thank you for the reply. I also contacted Rutgers Garden Center. They couldn't understand why it bloomed without leaves, other than the facts that we had a lot of rain the beginning of the year & an erratic spring with temps up & down from 32 - 90.

    However, they stated to be patient for a couple of weeks. They also styated that the vines are very hardy and almost indestructable & should recover.

    Our wisteria is approximately 15 years old & has always bloomed full with leaves. We have trained the vine into a tree formation. It was beautiful last year & 10 times more proflic(flowers) than it was this year.

    As of this update, our vine is starting to develope new leaves. However, our weather is still not in tune & is still yo-yo....ing.

    Thanks again.......I hope this helps others too.

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