Wisconsin Orange Trumpet ID please

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Laura Bruederle, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. Laura Bruederle

    Laura Bruederle Member

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    Cedarburg Wi USA
    I am hoping someone can help me out, I recieved this plant from my dad's funeral in May. It was in full bloom of orange flowers in a cluster at the end of the branches. It is about 2 feet tall, woody stem, and leaves in bloom bright green in a cluster with a bud of "baby" leaves unfolding from middle.
    It has been in a pot all summer in partly sunny location,( outside) it grew nicely, but didn't flower again. Now with winter approaching the leaves are turning a rust on edges. I was also wondering if I should plant , where and how to weather/protect it for the winter. With the woody stems, I was thinking I should have a rose cone on it. I really would like some info on this quickly, for the first frost will be upon us soon.

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Deciduous azalea. Most of these are quite cold-tolerant. If it's one like 'Mandarin Lights' it may even be hardy to something like -40F, if another kind probably not nearly so resistant to cold but still subzero hardy.

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