I live on Vancouver Island in Port Alberni and would like to know about leaving my Hibiscus outside during the winter. Can it be done and if so is there anything in particular that I have to do? Thanks.
I'm in Comox and thought I'd try leaving my hibiscus outside last winter. Big mistake, don't do it. Maybe another member has tried overwintering with a thick mulch of hay? I'd like to hear of any successes.
Steve, You may have to resort to several other types of Mallow/Hibiscus. Many look very much alike - to me at least. I have a pink mallow in my yard in Anacortes Wa. and now matter how it is treated continues to grow. I "borrowed"starts of 2 in front of the Post office in Friday Harbor, a pink double and a white single and both grew quite well. It is such a huge family of similar plants and you can find all sorts of similarity. Then there is also the Lavatera family. Hope this helps a little. barb