To anyone that can advise me. What is the best lighting for the winter season in Calgary. During the summer we get a great morning sun in our livingroom window for 6 hours. During the winter an O.K. lighting but dull after about 3 hours. I would like my plants to stay growing and happy during the winter as I am proud of their growth. My Basil and spider plants are huge I would also like to grow flowering plants during the winter as it adds a wonderful element to a dull winter. While I lived in Ontario, We had a fab sun room I grew Tomato plants in. It kept me sain during the winter months and I got several full sized Tomato fruit over the winter by pollinating with a fine hair paint brush by hand. I would like to try that again. I am worried however about the lighting and need to know what I would need to do to do about this? I should also add, It gets very dry here. So if anyone has an Idea about humidifiying the air without growing mold on my apartment walls that would be great also. Thanks Splicer
I'm not an expert, but with our winters in Ohio, I've dealt with low light. One winter, I bought some full spectrum light bulbs for me (not my plants). That same year, someone gave me a rose bush (2 feet tall) and I lived in an apartment with no place to plant it. Unintentionally, I sat it next to the couch fully exposed to the full spectrum light. That rose bloomed flowers almost all winter. I was amazed. Since that time, I have used full spectrum lights with several plants. They are sold in many sizes. I have even seen plant shelving with them built in. As far as humidity, you can buy humidity trays for plants, or sit the plant in a second dish, which you fill with water. Do not let the plant sit in water. I'm not sure that this is as effective as a humidifier, but it is better than nothing. Some people mist the leaves. My tropical plants thrive in the winter, with the above. Hope that is helpful. Like I said, I'm no expert, just a plant addict with two green thumbs.
Thanks AglaonemaAddict I think I'll try that great advice. I'm thinking I'll get a humidifier for the apartment anyway so the wife and I don't electrocute the cats everytime we pet them. You and I are the same when it comes to plants I would think. Splicer