Good Morning !! I have a 4 foot tall windmill that has about 2' of trunk and when I looked at the spear yesterday, the lower section of the spear appeared to be rotting. I went to my local Pikes nursery and they recommended mixing up some copper fungicide and spraying it in the crown. Is there anything else that I can do to ensure that this tree survives. The fronds look good. How long should it take to see a new health spear emerge from the crown. This is driving me crazy. Any advice would be appreciated !!
Have you pulled on the spear to see if it is still healthy at the crown? If it is rotted, it will pull out without much effort. If it is, all loose rotted leaves should be pulled out to remove as much rot as possible. Then dust in the crown with a dry copper fungicide and keep as dry as possible. Don't worry, just yet, if it pulls out. Trachys can come back from this. Give it some time to allow for new growth. I have one Trachy that is about the same size that all 3 center spears have pulled out as well. I am hoping for the best.