Hi I have had a Ponytail for over 3 years, it was looking great and growing quicker than I expected. Recently my dog has taken a liking to and within a few days he had pulled off all the lower leaves, so it now only has leaves on the top. Will these leaves be replaced with new ones? If not what should I do, this was one of my favourite plants and I would like to try and save it. Thanks Rachael
Re: Pony Tail Palm: How Do I Cut The Top??? New growth will undoubtably sprout from the top. However, what was lost from the bottom will not likely return or be replaced with new foliage. The dog wil need some behavior modification...perhaps something else to focus on besides your plant. Cutting the mainstem of the plant will stimulate new shoots to form, however it will be several months of active growth before the new foliage will fill in and make the plant "presentable" again.
Re: Pony Tail Palm: How Do I Cut The Top??? Rachael- My palm was used as a scratching post by some neighborhood cats and after cutting the top off, it has done real well. I think you will be really pleased with the results you get, just be patient, it takes awhile to get new growth. Dawn
G'day Rachel...no those lower leaves will not be replaced, it grows new leaves from the top, and as it grows they become the lower leaves. I reckon it will just grow as normal unless it looks like its dying...a photo would be good Ed