Hi All! We have a large, mature weeping cherry tree in our front yard. It was fully mature when we moved into our home 12 years ago and puts on a beautiful display year after year. Approx 3 years ago, a young sapling emerged and has been growing beneath the weeping cherry. The new tree, now approx 4 ft tall, has leaves that are identical to the parent tree and has a weeping habit. I do believe that the mature tree is grafted - there is a rather large protuberance at the top of the main trunk just below where the weeping branches grow off of the main trunk. What are your thoughts on the young sapling? Is it likely to bloom true to the adult weeping cherry? Is this a sucker growing from the roots of the mature tree or sprouted from the "fruit" of the parent? Best ways to transplant sapling? If sapling is unlikely to bloom, tips on grafting?
Yes, it will flower. Transplant when leafless, during dormant season. Same leaves and habit implies it is a seedling, if parent tree is grafted.
Thanks so much for your reply! I have a friend who is very interested in the sapling, knowing that it is likely to bloom. Appreciate your help!