Any agave experts? I have two young agaves and I do not know if they will root. I took them off of parent plant but the main root broke like a branch. What I did was cut the root off cleanly, dipped in rooting hormone and planted. There has not been any change in their condition. Does anyone know if this will work. Or, am I just waiting for them to die.
Nobody responded to my post, but the answer is YES they did take. Apparently they were in a very dormant state. Just two weeks ago both agaves unfurled a leaf. It's a slow start but at least they are growing.
Good to hear! Yeah, I've posted questions about how to proceed with a cactus-related procedure and nobody responded so I just guessed and went ahead anyhow. Maybe there just aren't that many of cactus/succulent people as there the more flashy and exotic orchid people. ;)
Thing is, it's pretty hard to kill cacti or succulents, and many of them propagate by cutting. So some of us might look at cactus-related procedures, think "oh, that's not going to kill it" and not post the same. I'm guilty of doing this myself. I have tried many times to kill agaves, and have not yet come upon a way. Even if you cut them off at ground level, so long as you let the cut scar over and neglect to water them, they will develop new roots. The hormone isn't even strictly necessary, in my experience.
Oh now you guys reply ;) Yeah it's definitely hard to kill these things. I was quit surprised and pleased to see the leaves finally unfurl. Sometimes guessing is a great way to learn. GO SUCCULENTS!