Will bulbs planted this summer bloom before next summer?

Discussion in 'Annuals, Biennials, Perennials, Ferns and Bulbs' started by scottg, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. scottg

    scottg Active Member

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    White Rock, BC - coastal
    I'm the vegetable gardener in the family; I know nothing about this subject.. lol.

    My wonderful wife bought and planted a "wack" of bulbs and such that she purchased from a reputable online store. Her intent is to have a cutting garden. They have been in the ground for about 30(ish) days. I can come up with a list if need be.

    My question is if she can expect most / all / none of these flowers to bloom this season or will she have to typically wait till next summer to do so?

    Any advice would be appreciated!
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Blooming size bulbs planted in spring would be expected to flower the same summer when they consist of kinds normally planted in spring. Spring-blooming bulbs customarily planted in fall but stored until spring might not bloom the first year - or grow at all, if too badly deteriorated.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  3. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    please list what she planted. also, what state are you in???

    some iris need to be pulled up for winter in some areas, so, would bloom summer/late summer if planted in spring. same with gladiola. most later blooming lilies will bloom first season if planted in spring (not all though). really need a list of what she planted!!!
  4. scottg

    scottg Active Member

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    White Rock, BC - coastal
    We are south coastal BC Canada. Zone 6b I think..

    She has planted:

    poppy anemones
    coneflowers (various)
    poker primrose

    Thanks for the replys.
  5. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    gladiola should bloom this year/may not. no way to know how old/mature the bulbs are and if they're ready to bloom. iirc, when i first planted mine, a few bloomed the first year and those that didn't bloomed the second year (some were smaller than others). in our zone (i'm in the same as you) we're 'supposed' to pull them up for winter and replant in spring. i've never done it and they're still growing - they ARE in a spot that gets sun all day long and i do the leaf mulch heavily for winter, so they're pretty protected. come fall, you may want to test it (since you're more north than me) and leave a few in the ground and see if they grow again next year.

    coneflower blooms the second (and subsequent) year of growth...if the wife can't find notice in paperwork/tags that they are second year plants, you may have to wait a year.

    thistle can be invasive. has a tap root and sends out runners AND the flowers, when they go to seed let off hundreds of seeds...they are similar to dandelions and have that fluffy white tip that takes the seeds far and wide. might want to dead head as soon as the flowers start losing their vibrancy - they go to seed very quickly once that starts. they will rebloom all summer, too. oh, lol, forgot to answer the question...yes, that one will bloom this year.

    the others i haven't grown, so can't assist.

    the dahlia is something that will probably need to be pulled up for winter. not sure about that; i think they're only hardy to zone 8, though.

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