We had a bit of discussion a while back about the most inland the tree grows (menziesii that is...the native tree here in BC). My in-law's tree in Mission is still at least close to the most easterly I've heard of up here...in the U.S. I've seen mention of some quite mountainous locations so there might be some genetic variation. Even so, I'd have to say no...the hot summers are about as difficult as the coldness of your winters...(the tree in Mission gets scorch on the margins of the leaves there thanks to temps above 30C during the summer). My understanding of Kelowna would be, much less favorable for arbutus. I'd love to be proven wrong...we do have another fellow trying the tree on P.E.I.
Hi If you find a place that will mail you seedlings would you let me know. I have had a couple of folks mail them to me, and that is much appreciated, but it would be nice to find a garden centre that would do the same. I hate putting folks out. Also, I was mailed 3 this spring, 1 lives and is doing great, but 2 did not survive their transplant. They are 'prickly' to grow and one wrong move and they die. Good luck trying. Michael