Hello I am in zone 6 (a) sometimes it is called 5 depending on who you talk to. I am trying to identify a vine that has come up wild along my fence. It has been there for about 5 years and just this year has grown out of control. I have cut it back to the ground many times and tried digging up the roots but I think it spreads underground and have had no luck getting rid of it. The vines are woody and about 8 feet tall right now. Flowers are purple (see pics). Berries are either black or a very dark purple/blue that looks black. Sorry the close up of the flowers isn't that great. The flowers are rather small. I tried searching through the invasive species, endangered species lists with no luck. Also tried multiple online searches over the past few years with no luck! Thanks in advance for any help.
Thank you, that is it. Any ideas on how to get rid of it short of spraying roundup everywhere? Planning on cutting it back below ground level since there are small children in the area (neighbors) and would hate to see something happen but in the past, it still comes back up eventually.
PS the berries are red-it has been a year since I had seen them-prob confused them with something else growing out there too.