Hello, I've attached pics of a wild rose I have growing in my back yard in Calgary. I planted it and another last summer. It bloomed this year and today I noticed red wispy "stuff" on it. The other plant has nothing like this on it. A plant geek (his words) friend of mine suggested I post here. Can anybody please tell me what it is and what, if anything, I should be doing about it? Many thanks. Susan Lawson
These things are weird looking, but interesting. They generally don't hurt the plant much. http://www.wou.edu/~baumgare/Diplolepis_rosae.html http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/hortnews/2008/7-2/mossyrosegall.html
I've been dithering about what to do, so thanks for mentioning that they don't hurt the plant much. Not a big plant expert, but I did google and see that there are insects inside. Wasn't sure what would happen when they decide to come out. It really does look quite spectacular, but I want the rose bush to live too.